Monday, February 16, 2015

Thief of Always Exercise: Chapters 8-13

14.Describe a time you witnessed or participated in the death of a living being.
      Back in 2012 the first pet I ever owned passed away. I only remember him as the large cat he was, I never got to see him as a kitten. He was one of the most lovable pet my family owned. When he was still health he was the cutest. He had big green eyes and a stomach that hanged to the floor. But as he got older, he started getting thinner and weaker. Soon that belly that hung to the floor was barely visible. His bones would show and he could barely walk and eat. By November we would have to keep him in my mom and dad's room because all the other animals would try and play with him. By then we were bringing him his food and water and taking him to the liter box. Then, at the end of November, he passed away. It was one of the most surreal things I feel like I'd ever gone through. Here was the creature, that I'd taken care of and cherished my whole life, who I had to watched get sicker and sicker as the days went on. To make matters worse, I couldn't do anything about it. I think the most important lesson I learned from that is, sometimes stuff just happens in life. Bad things are going to happen in life and we can't do anything about it. We just need to find a way to get along. 

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